I hope you find my Unlock Your Hip Flexors review helpful when deciding whether to purchase it or not. Unlock Your Hip Flexors is an easy-to-follow program that is composed of ten easy-to-do exercises designed for the sole purpose of strengthening and loosening your hips, as well as targeting your hard-to-reach muscles. The authors, Rick Kaselj and Mike Westerdal, created this program with the belief that your hips play a huge role in your body. They also believe that the root cause of body problems is because of tight hip flexors.
The problems they are pertaining to are not just about being sore and having hip pain and joint pains. No, it is more than just the sensation of your bones aching. The problems may range from you having a hard time sitting or standing to experience pain and locked up hips. Rick and Mike said in a press release that almost every human body is affected by this, but only a few realize the impact of it on the body. Thus, they have designed Unlock Your Hip Flexors as a combined solution with the goals to improve your physical wellness and your holistic wellness. This hip flexors manual is easy to read and follow along with.
For only $30 you can improve your strength, energy and reduce pain in your hip flexor. And if it doesn’t work you can return it, no questions asked for 60 days. Unlike other unlock your hip flexors reviews, I have tried to provide you with a comprehensive breakdown. Grab your copy today. What are you waiting for?
How I Got Rid of Aches, Pains and Body Issues Caused By a Muscle You’ve Probably Never Even Heard of Before

I grew up in a pretty health-conscious environment so following a full-body exercise routine to increase weight loss and stay fit has never been a big deal for me. I thought that being physically fit meant I wouldn’t experience as many aches, pain and body problems. However, that wasn’t true and despite regular visits to my physiotherapist and massage therapist, I was still having trouble sleeping at night due to chronic pain plus I was feeling discomfort every time I bent over.
At first, I thought this was just how I was supposed to feel. At the time I was spending more time sitting due to the nature of my work and going to the gym less because of my demanding schedule. One morning, I woke up and my back was killing me! My sore psoas muscle finally got to me. Hoping more exercise would help I increased my visits to the gym to 4 days per week.
I would warm up, hit the weights, stretch, did some foam rolling exercises then went into the sauna to relax and reduce stress. My pain went away but it was only for a few days. I kept repeating the process and even tried consulting a different physical therapist but to no avail, the pain kept coming back. I started getting anxious about it since it started affecting my performance at work until I came across a program called Unlock Your Hip Flexors which was an ultimate game changer for me. I read some Unlock Your Hip Flexors reviews online. It took me some time to get into the program but I when I finally did I started to see the results. I’m happy to say that I now feel great!
What Are Hip Flexors And Why It’s Important to Train Them

The truth is sore hip flexors can be the cause of a lot of serious body problems you are experiencing, even digestive issues or stubborn belly fat. The impact the hips have on my body never occurred to me until I experienced the effect of tight hip flexors had on my everyday life and not just my exercise programs.
We're not just talking about a bit of soreness; tightness can be the root cause of problems such as:
If any of these sound familiar to you, don't worry you're not alone. Your hip flexors and psoas muscle affect nearly everybody, but only few realize the impact on your body and overall health. Think of the hips as a barometer. The health and flexibility of your hip muscles are an indicator of the strength and health of our whole body. When you train the hidden most powerful survival muscle, you can improve your overall mental and physical health with the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program.
The Solution Static Stretching Can’t Offer

Basic stretching may give you temporary relief but what's lacking is that it doesn't reach the muscle that iBasic stretching may give you temporary relief but what's lacking is that it doesn't reach the muscle that is causing the problems. The reason why only a few managed to fix their hip flexors is that it's really a hard area to reach. But by sequentially performing the 10 ultimate therapeutic movements from Unlock Your Hip Flexors, you can put an end to variety of chronic pain such as back and other types of pain. Unlock Your Hip Flexors program uses six unique types of movements designed to help you loosen and strengthen your hips.
Unlock Your Hip Flexors program utilizes the principles of “Sequential Flow”. These 10 exercises help to correct tightness and imbalances caused by locked hip flexors and from sitting and slouching too much.
The Sequential Flow Method was created by Rick after many years of working as a physical therapist. The biggest difference between this program vs. others is that most only give you a list of stretches or exercises.
The Unlock Your Hip Flexors program shows you how to do these body movements and tight psoas muscles activation movements to help unlock hip flexors and correctly AND more importantly, in which specific sequence to do them to get maximum results and reduce the dreaded hip pain you are experiencing.
The 10 exercises can help to improve many health issues and health problems in as little as 15 minutes a day. These exercises techniques can easily be done at home. The health benefits, diet recommendations, strength training tips, workout routine and exercise routine can help increase your energy levels and fix locked hip flexors, especially for people who have had back injuries.
The customer service is outstanding. If this helps you please consider leaving a product review. Be sure to check out the excellent video content as well. Many customers like to continue with the 10 exercises for more than 60 days.
Here are some of the benefits of the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program:
Better Blood Circulation
Suffering from tight hip flexors can produce circulatory issues such as restriction on blood circulation in the different parts of the body. This increases the risk of disease, stroke, weight gain, and many other problems. Applying these movements will help to solve your sleeping problems, improved mobility, boost energy and help to free up locked hip flexors as well. Many customer reviews report better circulation.
Improve Sexual Health
Sitting all day causes your hips to become stuck in a forward thrust position. This leads to pulling on the lower back and decreased blood flow and circulation through the hips and to where it matters. Practicing these movements produces a healthier sex life and improved sexual health.
Flat Stomach
Stiff and inflexible hip flexors can cause pain and make exercising difficult. This can cause you to skip workouts and make you gain weight. A good balance between clean eating, regular cardio, hip flexor muscles and abdominal muscle exercises can help burn belly fat. Unlock your hip and tight psoas muscles today and lose weight.
Unlock Your Hip Flexors Review to Get Rid of Back Pain
Flexible hip flexors can reduce back strain. Strengthening your hip muscles by performing the right exercises can help to balance your back and abdominal muscles which can eliminate constant pain.
Good Posture
Leaning to one side or too far forward instead of standing straight is a clear indication that your hip flexors need training. Training your hip flexors will balance the upper and lower body which corrects posture while walking and can also help to unlock your tight hamstrings. By doing these exercise you can get your hip flexors unlock.
Who Will Benefit From This Tight Hip Flexors Program
This program will help those who are suffering from tight hamstrings and hip flexors. Since your hip flexors are said to be the engine of the body, as well as responsible for body movement, it is important to address the problems. Your hip flexors affect your physical health, but also your mental, sexual, and emotional health.
This hip flexors program can help you if you are experiencing the following symptoms:
Locked Hips, Trouble Sleeping, Bad Posture, Joint Pain, Feeling Sluggish, High Anxiety, Compromised Immune System, Digestive Problems, Circulatory Issues, Loss of Sexual Performance, Exhaustion or Fatigue.
How Unlock Your Hip Flexors It Works
Since the main focus of the program is unlocking your hip flexors. It’s centered around two muscles known as the psoas. The psoas is the only muscle in the human body that connects the upper body to the lower body. It a major muscle of the body in which your flexibility depends upon, it’s often called referred to as the ‘Mighty Psoas’. Use this hip flexors review unlock tight hips!
This muscle can be extremely sensitive to the point that it can be easily weakened by a sedentary lifestyle, especially if all you do is sit all day. If psoas becomes strained, it may cause you severe back conditions. Nevertheless, a well-working psoas muscle creates a neutral pelvic alignment and gives you greater mobility and can help unlocking hip flexors.
Unlock Your Hip Flexors is the best program to obtain more mobility and flexibility through the hip joint using combination of exercises such as:

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation or PNF stretching where you are activating a specific muscle to relax the muscles around a joint so you can decrease the stiffness around a joint. Is it ok to use PNF stretching if your hips hurt? Good question and probably one you should speak to your GP about if you are unsure.
Dynamic Stretching where you are activating the muscles around a joint and moving that joint through its full range of motion in a progressive manner to improve circulation around it leading to an increased range of motion around the joint.

Fascia Stretching is a unique technique in which you are targeting the tissue that muscles are surrounded in and working on loosening and lengthening the fascia.
Mobility Exercises where you are targeting the joint and doing movements and exercises that help the joint function optimally allowing the joint to move freely. Hip flexors helps to control your stability. Download this hip flexors guide and start working towards perfect posture and say goodbye to stiff hips or tight hips.

3-Dimensional Core Stability Exercises where you are targeting the muscle in all planes of movement so the core and abdominal muscles have good activation, endurance, and strength in all planes of movement which leads to a decrease in unnecessary damaging stress on joints.
These exercises will enable you to unfreeze your somewhat frozen hips and allow you to achieve the quality of life you have always wanted to have. Unlocking your hip flexors has many benefits.
About The Creators

This hip flexors pdf program was created and written by fitness and health experts Rick Kaselj and Mike Westerdal. Mike is the best-selling fitness author and founder of the famous and longest-standing strength website, CriticalBench.com. Rick is an injury specialist and a leader in the field of Kinesiology. He works in one-on-one and group rehabilitation settings, educating and training people who have been injured at work, in car accidents or during sports activities.
Unlock your hip flexors was created and written by fitness and health experts Rick Kaselj and Mike Westedal. Mike is the best-selling fitness author and founder of the famous and longest-standing strength website, CriticalBench.com workout program, Rick is an injury specialist and a leader in the field of Kinesiology. He works in one-on-one and group rehabilitation settings, educating and training people who have been injured at work, in car accidents or during sports activities.
They focus on:
Both of the authors have years of experience in physical fitness, nutrition and rehabilitation to help you unlock your hip.
Tired of the discomfort and pain? Take the next steps and purchase your copy today and follow along.
Here’s What You Get

Unlock Your Hip Flexors contains valuable information that you won’t see in similar programs, thus purchasing it is something that you won’t regret!
This program includes the Unlock Your Hip Flexors DVD Video which consists of two parts: The Coaching Instructional Videos about the ten exercises with explanations from Rick and the Follow Along format made so you can perform the exercises and the flow alongside the video without breaking for explanation.
It also includes the Unlock Your Hip Flexors Manual PDF where deeper explanations about the stretching the psoas muscle and its effects are clearly discussed, as well as detailed descriptions of the exact exercise movements with pictures. Check out some of the customer reviews below.
FREE Bonus 1: Unlock Your Tight Hamstrings

In the same manner that your hip muscles are prone to damage, your hamstring muscles can also be harmed and torn easily, especially if they are tight and rigid. The fact that both of these muscles are often ignored makes it all the more important to value and optimize the chance of acquiring knowledge about them.
Many people who sit a lot, whether it is in their car or at their home experience pain from tight hamstrings but don’t know they are causing the pain. This will then lead to the backward rotation of the hips and pelvis which in turn flattens the lower back. This, unfortunately, can result in lower back pain and poor posture.
In general, anyone who faces any kind of muscle tear problems will be taking months to recover and heal, regardless if they are one of the best athletes in the world or they are just one of those who like to stay at home. This will then lead to more serious problems like feeling too much pain. Thus, the creation of this super-effective routine.
However, in a more perfect world, you may get a regular sports massage to aid the muscle tissue quality of your hamstrings by increasing blood flow. Unfortunately for most of us, it is not always possible. Nevertheless, through following its fundamentals, you may be able to reduce the chances of getting unwanted injuries and being injured.
Unlocking your hip flexors can get you back to feel great. The 10 exercises can provide you with the muscle activation movements that will help you unlock your hip flexors.
FREE Bonus 2: The 7-Day Anti-Inflammatory Diet

To allow you to experience the benefits of looser hip flexors with better endurance, efficacy, and elasticity, the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program was created.
However, its benefits are not only limited to the already mentioned possible results. The benefits may be multiplied when combined with a holistic diet for the purpose of naturally relieving aches, pains, stiffness, and soreness. This may be done by tackling inflammation caused by injury or environmental toxins in your food and water.
In addition, you can enhance your body's response to inflammation with ease through eating the right kinds of food that work well with your body to enable the natural healing response. Since your diet is one of the major reasons for inflammatory responses that lead to your health deteriorating, it is important to follow the most recommended diet by nutritionists.
The 7-Day Anti-Inflammatory diet and nutrition program is the perfect head start for you, serving as your guideline to put a stop on your unhealthy lifestyle. This program features the only important things to include on your shopping lists, the right meal plans, as well as the effective supplement tips to help in your body's authentic recovery process.
Grab your copy now and improve your physical fitness and stop pain.
Unlock Your Hip Flexors Reviews From Customers
Unlock Your Hip Flexors review - Unlike some customer reviews I felt improvement in my hips and back in 2 days! I've done the 10 exercises in sequence in the morning for 7 days in a row - and my hips are finally "unlocking". I notice the difference when I get up after sitting, when I first get out of bed, and when I'm walking.
I had been reading about unlocking your hip flexors and psoas muscle and putting together stretches I found from other sources. I do sit a lot for my work so I knew my quads and glutes were part of the problem also. While the stretches I did felt good and brought some temporary relief, they weren't actually correcting my problem and some days I actually felt worse. The diet recommendations were very good as well.
I appreciate how Rick goes into detail describing the science of our anatomy and physical dynamics - understanding why and how is important to me. I find it amazing that I was so unfamiliar with the Psoas muscle which really is one of the most important muscles in our body! I give the information, exercises, and written instructions 5 Stars. This is a great exercise program.
The reason for my overall 4-star rating is that the photos in my book were slightly muddy - not very sharp and clear and the DVD exercise demonstrations were helpful for understanding form and position but I the instructions were a bit too fast at first for me to pick up all the nuances. But those two points aside this has been an awesome investment in my health and I've been recommending it to friends and family - I hope you can unlock your help flexors too!
- Kay H
Before using this program, I couldn’t lift more than 400 pounds. I tried so many things such as changing my strategy, seeking advice from professionals, consuming mass gainers but nothing worked for me. I tried dynamic stretching, fascia stretching and numerous hip flexors exercises. But now I can lift 500 pounds and started winning bets in the GYM.
I can even lift heavier weights than guys that are more muscular and heavier than me. As a bonus, my running speed has become a lot faster and can now do backflips as well. Overall, I am a much better athlete now than I was, all thanks to this unlocking your hip flexors program.
I learned about the program from a press release.
-Ervin R, Influencer/Athlete
The Game Changer You’ve Been Waiting For: Unlock Your Hip Flexors for Only $32 - Limited Time Special Offer
After completing the program and 100% following the instructions my back pain disappeared and my posture was back to normal. I am no longer slouching or getting out of bed every morning groaning. With any quality program, YOU still need to follow the instructions and stay consistent otherwise you will not see any results. The Unlock Your Hip Flexors program is no different.
Overall, Unlock Your Hip Flexors guarantees to help solve your long suffering with pain as it did mine. I really recommend trying the 10 ultimate movements following the Sequential Flow because I have more sustained energy in the body and the result is promising. Rick Kaselj, being a masteral degree holder for corrective and therapeutic exercise, helped me be relaxed knowing that he is knowledgeable in his expertise.
If going through this review has convinced you to purchase this program you can get it directly on their official website. Visit the download page and get yours now for only $20 while they are having their promotional sale. Rick’s program was originally announced in a press release and was priced at $50 but in a recent press release it was announced the price was reduced.
These exercise techniques can help you with unlocking your hip flexors, improve health issues and health problems you might be unaware of. Unlock your hip flexors team offers phenomenal customer service and a 60 day money back guarantee. These exercise techniques can help you with unlocking your hip flexors, improve health issues and health problems you might be unaware of. Unlock your hip flexors team offers phenomenal customer service. Start the healing process today!
Make the same choice for yourself and pick up your copy of unlock your hip flexors. Hit the Buy Now button below and be ready to complete your card details on the following secure web page. Once all of your details have been completed and payment is made, hit Submit.
You don’t have to worry about any imbalances in your body if you UNLOCK your hip flexors by buying a copy of this program. Not convinced after buying? Rick offers a full 60-day money-back guarantee! Say goodbye to squeaking hinges and say hello to longevity. Do those twists and pelvic tilts without experiencing pain by UNLOCKING your hip flexors.
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