There are many foods out there that aren’t conducive to a healthy diet and body. Some of these foods are obviously bad and some may come as a surprise to you. We want to challenge you to eat and drink a little healthier every day. So here is a list of the top 11 foods that are making you fat. These are the worst offenders so we offer substitutions and suggestions to help you reach your health and weight goals. Now you can make a more informed decision when it comes to food and drink. Here are the top 11 foods that are making you fat!
Processed Meats

You may have heard that processed meats are bad for you in the news lately. If cold cuts such as ham, beef, salami or bologna are part of your daily sandwich routine, you may be putting your heath at risk.
According to the American Institute for Cancer Research study in 2009, people who ate 22 grams of processed meat a day had a higher risk of death than those who ate under 2 grams per day, a 2007 study states convincing evidence that cured and processed meats cause colorectal cancer and a list of other health problems.
*One serving size of deli Salami is 2 slices (50 grams). As you see, it is very easy to eat over 22G of deli meat.
How do deli meats make you fat? Preserved and smoked meats contain saturated fat and high levels of sodium. Add on the mayo and white bread to make that sandwich and you’re gaining weight fast!
If indeed you do rely on processed meats to keep you and your family fed, maybe it’s time to think of some healthy alternatives.
Try roasting an extra chicken or turkey breast on Sunday or roast a larger piece beef or pork so that you have enough leftovers for sandwiches this week! You can slide a nice piece of meat loaf or a meatball between multigrain toast for a change.
Make a vegetarian sandwich. Slather a multigrain bun with roasted red pepper hummus, add some cucumber and tomato then slap on a couple slices of pepper jack cheese. Or try roasted peppers and onions with hummus and any fresh veggies you like.
Frozen Meals
Oh the convenience of popping a pre-cooked, frozen meal into the microwave oven. How can this be bad for you? Well, if 100’s of grams of sugar and sodium aren’t enough to turn you off, there are the numerous preservatives, fat, fillers and chemicals they put in them. Some frozen meals have ingredient lists that you need a university degree to decipher. Sounds appetizing to me..not!
Make your own frozen meals. Next time you cook, double your spaghetti sauce, lasagna, soups and whatever you make that a freezes well. Separate them into a portion sizes, date the container, freeze and shazzam! You have homemade healthy frozen meals.
I can hear Homer Simpson screaming now. Don’t take away my doughnuts! No one should be surprised that doughnuts are on the list of foods that make you fat. This is a no brainer, they are full of fat, sugar, and lack any essential nutrients such as whole grains and fiber.
Have an apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter instead. It’s sweet, full of fiber and the peanut butter contains protein that will make you feel fuller longer.
Potato Chips
Crunchy salty potato chips, you can’t just eat one. That’s part of the reason they make you fat. They contain trans fats, empty calories and loads of salt. There is a preservative in potato chips and other prebaked snacks and foods called Butylhydroxytoluene, commonly known as BHT. In large doses this can cause cancer.
Potato chips are a salty, fattening snack with no nutritional value.
If you want something crunchy, try baking your own crispy kale chips with olive oil, salt and lime, don’t knock it before you try it! Or eat some fresh carrot and celery sticks, dip them in a nice vinaigrette dressing, tahini or hummus. Guaranteed they will hit the spot and you’ll forget all about those greasy potato chips or cheesies.
Sweetened Beverages
Sweetened beverages are just that, drinks that contain sugar and all of sugar’s hidden names – high-fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, dextrose, fruit juice concentrates, glucose, honey, invert sugar, molasses, sucrose, syrup or cane sugar. Yes, sugar has many more names and forms that you realized, it is being hidden in almost every food and beverage these days.
We were not meant to eat and drink the amount of sugar that we do. That is why the obesity rate is so high and why so many of us suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, gallbladder and liver diseases, osteoarthritis, infertility, respiratory problems, sleep apnea and colon, breast and endometrial cancers. Eeek!
Drink water, lots of clean clear fresh water. I know a lot of you out there refuse to drink water because it is boring and tasteless. If you really need to flavor your water, slice lemon, orange or lime and put it right in the pitcher and keep handy in the fridge. There are many other ways to naturally flavor water, but eventually you will probably get used to and begin to love the benefits if water. Your skin clears up and looks more refreshed, and internally you are being hydrated and clearing away toxins from inside out.
French Fries
We all love French fries, who am I kidding! But does the moment on the lips outweigh the lifetime on the hips? No, not really.
First of all, they are fried, this means high in fat and possibly trans fat. Secondly, potatoes are a starchy carb that turns into sugar. Finally, we either dip them in sugar filled ketchup or slather them in gravy and in Canada gravy and cheese. Oy vey, the fat, the sugar the empty calories…
Bake a sweet potato or yam in the oven, you can even cut them into French fry shape to make you feel like you’re having a French fry. Baked yams and sweet potatoes really taste great. These healthy ‘fries’ are much more full of nutrients and you choose the amount of and type of oil to bake with.
Margarine used to be the healthier choice once upon a time. Well, now some experts are challenging this, finding that butter may be the better choice.
Some margarine contains trans fat and is high in saturated fats. And butter is still high in fat so it’s not really a healthy alternative either. So look for products with no trans fat and low in saturated fats. Just be sensible and use these spreads and butter in moderation because these fats make you fat.
Low Fat Foods
Products claiming to be low in fat, are also loaded with sugar, salt, fillers and chemicals. You are better off eating regular foods in moderation, also known as a proper serving size. When you eat sugar instead of fat, it still turns into fat. So you aren’t doing yourself any favors.
We have absolutely lost our minds in the serving size department. Read any food label before you eat the food. Take out a serving size portion, note the calorie count and eat only the recommended serving. Better yet, don’t eat pre packaged sugar and salt concoctions. Have a piece of fruit, a handful of nuts or a protein shake.
Processed Baked Goods
What are processed baked goods? They are foods that have been bagged, boxed, refrigerated, dehydrated and have been altered from their original fresh state to extend ‘freshness’, and preserve the food so it lasts longer. A few examples of processed baked fare, breads, buns, muffins, pizza crust, tortillas, crackers, cookies, granola, energy bars, cereal, the list goes on. If you don’t want to gain weight, cut out all processed baked goods. They are full of calories, fat and preservatives
Food companies process food so that they can manipulate it. They add chemicals and additives to the food so it appears more attractive. They do this by adding color to foods or bleaching to disinfect and remove scent and to keep the shape and crunch. Keeping edibles from getting stale gives the food a longer shelf life and hence – money making capability.
Well, I know we aren’t all going to run out and buy a bread maker and grain mill to make our own bread and flour. If you have to buy pre-baked food, make sure that has an ingredient list that’s no longer than a few natural ingredients. When there’s a bunch of ingredients that are mainly chemicals and additives, just don’t eat it.
Canned Fruit
Fruit is good for you. Canned fruit is a convenient way to get out of season fruit all year long. The problem with canned fruit and why it can make you fat is, added sugar and sodium. It is more like candy than fruit at this point.
If you need to buy canned fruit, look at the sugar and sodium content. The fruit should be packed in water or its own juices, not heavy syrup. Also look at the ingredient list and make sure there are no unexpected ingredients. It should have fruit, water, and a preservative.
Another concern some of you may have is, approximately 90% of canned foods contain BPA. It lines the resin of the can and studies have shown it may be harmful to ingest. This is an article of its own, so we’ll keep on topic.
Occasionally eating canned fruit is fine, but when possible, eat as much fresh, local and organic fruit as possible.
Shoot, why did alcohol have to be on this list? Why can’t beverages be calorie free? Wishful thinking!
Well our friend alcohol happens to be very high in empty calories. That means there is no nutritional value in the calories. Most alcoholic beverages are very high in sugar, which turns into fat. To add insult to injury, alcohol increases your appetite and inhibitions. You usually crave hi-cal junk food such as French fries, pizza and my favorite nachos! All this late night eating and drinking adds up to gaining weight.
To cut down on alcohol calories, try drinking wine (75-105 calories), champagne (85 calories), or spirits such as vodka, tequila gin, rum brandy or cognac (approx. 65 calories). Drink straight up or mix with club soda or sugar free soda. A helpful hint – drink a glass of water after every alcoholic beverage.
You still must count alcohol imbibed calories, as part of your daily intake. A positive byproduct of counting these calories is, it may help you cut down on alcohol and empty calorie drinks. You will realize that it’s not worth it!
It’s now up to you to make an informed decision about what food you put in your body. Please try to replace some of those less than stellar food and drinks with something with less sugar, less sodium, little or no processing and monitor your alcohol intake. Eat fresh fruit and veggies as a snack and drink water instead of soda or sugary juice is a great start. With just a few changes in your diet, you will lose weight and feel better. Good luck and keep healthy!