Omega-3 supplements are so good for your overall health. They can improve your heart health, and recent research claims, it can help you lose weight. Omega’s have been linked to decreasing blood pressure, bad cholesterol levels, heart conditions, and maybe even lower your chance of depression. There are so many different omega-3 supplements that all promise to be the best supplement you can buy. They range from affordable to very expensive. So, how do you know which one is right for you?
Krill Oil vs. Fish Oil vs. Flax Seed Oil

There is so much media hype about flaxseed oil, krill oil and fish oil. Each source has a reason why their oil is better for you. It becomes difficult to know which company is being truthful about their product and which company is just trying to sell you their product. To be able to see which product is right for you, you must see beyond the sale pitch and look at the specific benefit of the supplement.
One of the best krill oil supplements you can buy is Nutrigold Krill Oil. This supplement is available in both 500 and 1,000 mg bottles. Nutrigold krill oil reviews claim the supplement is much more superior to fish oil, because the body is able to process the oil better. It does not to have a fishy smell or taste. It is also said to help speed up weight loss, improve your cognitive health and stabilize your blood pressure.
Health Benefits of Krill Oil
For starters, let’s look at krill oil. Krill oil is viewed as a superior omega 3 supplement. The main advantage to taking krill supplements is, it does not have a ‘fishy’ aftertaste. It is said to be more easily absorbed than typical omega-3 supplements. It has not been tested thoroughly in human studies, with the trials only lasting 12 weeks. There is no documentation how the supplement performs long term. Could krill oil be the “Holy Grail’ of omega-3 supplements? One reason the researchers suggest it is – because krill oil can help you burn fat, up to seven pounds in a week. But, why is this oil so amazing? Krill oil comes from a shrimp-like fish that are very important to the marine food chain in the ocean. One of the best benefits to taking krill oil is it is more easily absorbed in the body. This is due to the phospholipids in the oil. What the clinical studies have proven by taking krill oil; you may have easier weight loss, better heart health, decreased blood pressure and decreased joint pain. Krill oil is a natural product and does not have side effects. Read my Nutrigold krill oil review.
Health Benefits of Fish Oil
Fish oil is the most popular way to receive a direct source for EPA and DHA supplementation. The safety and studies of using fish oil have been well documented for thousands of years. In Italy, a four-year study was completed to determine the safety, side effects, and health benefits. What they found was, those who regularly took fish oil had a 45% reduced rate of disease and fatality. They also found that fish oil, for many participants helped them lose more weight than before adding the supplement in their diet. The only negative to fish oil is finding a quality product. The fact is, with fish oil, you definitely get what you pay for. If the oil is too cheap, it probably is not very high quality.
Health Benefits of Flaxseed Oil
Flax seed oil is a great oil to add to your diet. One thing most people do not understand about flax seed is that it is not meant to replace fish oil. Flaxseed oil is meant to be taken in conjunction with fish oil. Flax seed oil has many health benefits. It is said to ease hot flashes in menopausal women. It also said to be more of a benefit to a woman than a man. It can also help make weight loss easier, by removing toxins from your body. Dr Oz claims it is one of the best supplements to take each day, and to start small when talking it building up to a full dosage.
Flax seed has the added benefit of being a fiber source. Many Americans are lacking enough fiber in their diet, so flax seed could definitely help. Flax seed is an excellent alternative for vegans to make sure they are getting enough omega-3 supplements in their diet. Flaxseed is a natural oil; however, some people may have digestive issues (constipation and diarrhea) so if you are prone to stomach aches, it may be best to avoid the supplement. Flax seed is probably unsafe to take for pregnant and nursing mothers, because it acts like estrogen in the body, which is the reason it helps menopausal women.
Omega-3 supplements can lead to a healthier lifestyle. Before taking any supplements, it is best to know if the product is right for you. Omega-3 supplements can help improve your heart health, concentration ability and ability to lose weight. You will never know if the product is right for you, unless you try Nutrigold Krill oil or an other omega-3 supplement today.