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Have you found yourself, yet again wanting to lose 5 or 10 pounds? Perhaps you’ve gained 100 pounds or more in the last few years and feel hopeless to lose all the extra weight. Don’t give up! It can be a lifetime battle for a lot of us. All you need to get started is – good health and fitness information, inspiration and commitment. Let’s get you on the right track and help you to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle and lose weight with a positive attitude.
First of all, you need to know that it is possible to live a healthy lifestyle and lose weight! You can do it! Please have a positive attitude and don’t beat yourself up all the time. If you don’t believe in yourself, who will? There is no magic wand or spell that can get you out of the hard work and commitment that is necessary to lose weight and keep it off. But, there’s no better reward than losing the weight, and being healthy. You will look good and feel great. You deserve a better life, and it is never too late to get in the best shape of your life! Learn to use the power of your mind to lose weight.
Table of Contents
Weight Loss Tricks for Women that Actually Work
You need to know how many calories you are consuming every day. This includes juice, lattes and alcohol. You must know where your calories are coming from to know where the weight gain is coming from. It is so much easier now to log your daily food intake. There are numerous great fitness and calorie counting apps to help take the guesswork out of calorie counting. Try Fitness Pal, I have used it with success. Learn about losing weight with the aid of fitness apps for your smart phone or tablet. Famous trainer Jillian Michaels suggests the 80/20 rule. This means, 80% of the food you eat is healthy, and the remaining 20% of your daily calories may be a little more relaxed. She says this rule helps you to not feel deprived. Feeling deprived causes a lot of people to give up eating a healthy diet altogether. Remember, you are not eating an extra 20% of calories, this 20% is included in your daily calorie allotment. There are many calorie calculators online to help you figure out how many calories to eat when you want to lose weight. Be more active. This will be different for every individual. If you are a sedentary person, it is very easy to add exercise. Start by taking the stairs instead of the elevator, go for a walk instead of watching 5 hours of TV tonight, go for a long bike ride or hike every weekend. Walk around the mall for an hour or more if the weather is not permitting, just don’t eat at the food fare! Work your way up to fitness videos or get a gym membership.
If you are already an active person, you need to add more intensity and variety to your workouts. You may want to try a personal trainer, they know how to bust you through a plateau! Remember, make sure to keep up your fitness while traveling! When you eat out, order a half order of food, or ask the waiter to pack up half of your meal to go. This way, all that food is not sitting on the plate for you to eat. Chances are, you will feel satisfied with the half order, and you won’t mindlessly eat the full portion. Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. When you drink water before and during a meal, your stomach feels fuller faster. Experts say that often when you feel hungry, you may just be dehydrated. When you’re hydrated, you aren’t as hungry. Learn why you need to drink water to lose weight. If you are a diehard TV watcher, get some exercise while you watch. Do some tricep dips, lunges, squats, sit-ups, push-ups, plank, jumping jacks, dance your heart out during commercials. Don’t just sit there!
Nutrition Tips for Women
Men and women seem to lose weight at different rates. Unfortunately women have a harder time losing weight fast. WebMD explains this by saying that men crave meat and women crave carbohydrates. Also, men have more testosterone and naturally have more muscle mass than women. This allows them to consume more calories and keep fit easier. Here are some tips for women to help you eat healthy and lose weight. You don’t have to be hungry and miserable when you are trying to lose weight. But you do have to stop eating foods that are making you fat.
To be successful, you must eat healthy foods to lose weight. Eat food that is fresh and packed with nutrients, like fruit, vegetables, nuts. Eat protein to keep you satisfied longer. Don’t forget that healthy food still has calories. If you are trying to lose 5 or 10 pounds and already eat healthy food, you need to cut back on your daily calories. Never go below 1200 calories per day, this puts your body into starvation mode. Starvation mode ruins your metabolism and can cause serious health problems. Be prepared. Plan your lunches for the week and bring them to work. Make an extra large supper so you have leftovers for your busier evenings. Don’t get take-out more than once a month. Yes, I said it. Take-out is an occasional treat, not a daily ritual. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water can help you lose weight. Drinking water helps clear toxins from your body, make you feel full faster and aids in digestion. Water helps digestion and keeps the food in your bowels moving right along and out of your body. Listen to your mother and eat your fruits and vegetables. Adding fruits and vegetables to your diet help you lose weight. According to the Canada food Guide, you must eat 7-8 servings of fruit and veg per day. Don’t think of this as a chore. Fruit and vegetables are nature’s candy – chocked full of flavor and fiber (remember your bowels?), they are a source of phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals for a healthy body and mind. These are foods that you can lose weight by eating more, especially vegetables!
Eat enough protein to help lose weight. This is important because protein builds lean muscle, and fends off hunger. Women should eat approximately 46 grams of protein per day. To give you an idea how to do this – one cup of milk has 8 grams of protein, a 3 ounce piece of meat has around 21 grams of protein, one cup of dry beans has approximately 16 grams of protein. If you find it hard to eat the daily protein requirement, have a protein shake to supplement. Cut out refined sugar to lose weight. Wait, come back! Don’t run away now, because this will absolutely help you lose weight and keep it off permanently. Try to think of refined sugar as poison. Of course sugar is not poison, but in the high quantities we consume these days, it may as well be. Refined sugar causes weight gain, lowers your immunity, can contribute to cancer and heart disease. Sugary drinks are linked to causing type 2 diabetes. It is not easy to cut out sugar, so try eating fruit instead of a chocolate bar or a cookie. The naturally occurring sugar in fruit will be the healthier choice.
If you love juices and smoothies, try making a healthier version at home with a Vitamix Blender for Weight Loss. This way you are in control of what goes in your juice or smoothies. No added sugar, no ice cream, only fresh fruit and veggies for you! Maybe you need a little extra help pushing past a weigh loss plateau. Try adding a supplement of Garcinia Cambogia, and Raspberry Ketones to kick-start your metabolism. What is Garcinia Cambogia? Can Raspberry Ketones Help You Lose Weight? Research has shown that when these two, all natural supplements are added to a healthy diet with or without exercise they will help you lose weight. Doctors don’t usually condone weight loss pills, but Dr. Oz approves Garcinia Cambogia and Raspberry Ketones as the best weight loss pills for women because they are all natural, and when taken in the proper dosage are safe and effective for weight loss.
Women’s Fitness Exercises for Weight Loss
Exercise is a key element to healthy weight loss for women. We hear this over and over again, yet some of us can’t seem to get motivated. Yes, exercise takes time and effort, but the rewards are – increased energy and weigh loss. It’s almost impossible to get bored with exercise now with so many new and cool fitness trends popping up every year. It’s time to spice up your fitness rut. Some of you make the excuse that, ‘I’m just not a sporty person’. According to webmd.com – to maintain a healthy body, you must get a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise a day. This physical activity will reduce the risk of chronic disease in adulthood. Even the busiest person in the world could make time for 30 minutes a day of physical activity. It is a small price to pay to be fit and healthy. If you’re not into the latest and greatest fitness trends, there are plenty of exercise staples that are still great! Like, hiking biking, skating, climbing, yoga, pilates, swimming, the gym, exercise classes at the gym, exercise videos at home. Ask a friend to join you for a Zumba class or a dance class. Just use your imagination and remember what you enjoyed doing when you were younger. You could rekindle the lost love of exercise.
How Women Can us Mind Power for a Healthy Life
Use the power of your mind to loose weight. We don’t always realize the power we wield. It sounds kind of corny, but it is true that our mind is the ultimate weight loss tool. How, you ask? Everything we put in our mouth to eat is a choice, every bit of exercise we do is a choice. On the flip side, our mind can talk us out of the healthy choices too. For example – I don’t feel like going to the gym, I give up, I don’t care, I’m going to eat that ice cream, I’m too tired, I don’t have the time, I’m too old, my old injury is preventing me… Sound familiar? We have all sabotaged ourselves at one point or another. The key is to move on. Forgive yourself for the odd slip-up and start again fresh tomorrow. While you are at it, drink a big glass of water when you know you are about to overindulge. At least you will be hydrated, and perhaps the water will help you to stop overeating. Positive affirmations for weight loss are important. Once again, you may feel a little silly telling yourself positive affirmations, but it really is important. Here are a few positive affirmations you can try everyday, multiple times a day.
- I let go of unhelpful patterns of behavior around food.
- I let go of any guilt that I hold about food.
- I am grateful for my body and all it does for me.
- I exercise my body 3 -5 times a week.
- I love to eat healthy foods and drink water.
- I have a beautiful body and I take care of it to the best of my ability.
- I make healthy food choices.
- I love to exercise.
- Exercise makes me feel alive.
Positive Thinking for a Healthier Life
To create the healthy life and body you desire you need to start with positive thinking. Some people are naturally positive thinkers. This is a blessing, because most of us have been conditioned to look for the negative first. Let’s break the pattern of negativity! The way to do this is to be mindful of your inner chatter. You may not even realize that you are constantly berating yourself. How many times a day do you say to yourself or to others that you are fat, unattractive, stupid or that you have no will power? When you catch yourself being negative, stop and acknowledge in your mind, that you have said something negative and then replace it with a positive thought. For example, “I hate how fat my legs are right now!” When you catch yourself, say this instead, “I am beautiful and slim, I love my life!” or, “I am on a healthy path, I look great no matter what size I am!” It is using the law of attraction for weight loss. You will be shocked at how often your mind goes to the negative, but the beautiful thing is, you can relearn how to be positive. We all started out positive, it’s a choice you need to make to go back to your natural state and love yourself. These positive affirmations will not only lighten your heart, but will lighten your body. It will help you to not give up so easily – you will make the right food choices, you will believe that you can go to the gym or exercise 4 times a week or whatever goal you wish to achieve. You must believe to achieve!
Start A Healthier Life Now
Now you have all you that you need to get started on your healthy weigh loss journey – good health and fitness information, inspiration and commitment. To wrap it up, I’ll condense all the important weight loss points of this article. We learned that for women, the best workout for weight loss is, any workout! Be more active. Get moving for at least 30 minutes a day to start. Do cardio and lift weights to burn fat, gain muscle and lose weight. Exercise is a key element to healthy weight loss for women. To be successful, you must eat healthy foods to lose weight. Eat non-processed foods like lean protein, fruit, vegetables, beans and nuts. Eat a balanced diet, don’t overload yourself with carbs, sugar and sodium. Be prepared, make lunches and make enough food so you have leftovers on your busiest evenings. The best diet pills for women are Garcinia Cambogia and Raspberry Ketones. They are all natural and safe for almost everyone. But of course ask your doctor before taking any new supplement. Use the power of your mind to help loose weight. Use positive affirmations for weight loss. Believe in yourself and you will be successful. Know that you can eat healthy and exercise everyday. Forgive minor slip ups, tomorrow is another day. Never give up on your health. Adding fruits and vegetables to your diet help you lose weight. Filling yourself up with vegetables will help you lose weight and be healthy. Eat enough protein to help lose weight. We need protein to build muscle and burn fat. Cut out refined sugar to lose weight. Eat a fresh piece of fruit instead of cookies and candy. You will be satisfied and cut out all the refined sugar, carbs and bad fats. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water can help you lose weight. Keep your insides clean with water. It flushes away toxins, clears your skin and aids digestion. The best weigh loss advice for women is – be active, be positive, eat fresh food (non-packaged, non-processed), drink lots of water, and have fun while you’re at it!
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