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Have you ever considered buying a juicing machine? A juicer extracts the juice from whole fruits and vegetables and separates the pulp and skins from the juice.
Here are 6 healthy benefits of juicing:
- Juicing fresh fruit and vegetables makes it easier to get your daily fruit and veggies into your body.
- Juicing may help reduce your risk of cancer, raise your immunity and could be an aid to a healthy weight loss program.
- If you don’t enjoy eating fruit and vegetables, this is a great way to get those needed vitamins and minerals that you are missing out on.
- Making your own juice ensures freshness and will be preservative free and have no added sugar or sodium. Unlike store bought juice.
- When you make your own juice, this gives you the opportunity to try new fruits and veggies that you would not normally try. Having a wider range of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients help to protect against inflammation and cardiovascular disease.
- A juicing machine could be a valuable addition to a weight loss cleanse. The juice of the fruit and vegetables provides loads of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients to clear away all the toxins from your body.
Don’t throw away all the pulp from your juicer. The pulp contains important fiber, vitamins and minerals. You could simply add a few tablespoons back to your juice, and you can also add it your muffins and soup stock. Waste not, want not!
There are so many more great benefits to juicing. While juicing is wonderful, don’t forget that you still need to eat your fruits and veggies whole as well. There is valuable fiber and nutritional value in some skins and there is no better snack than fruit and veggies.
A blender such as the Vitamix would compliment your juicing machine. Blending the whole fruits and vegetables into a smoothie is a great meal replacement. You may want to add fresh juice to a blended smoothie, because the blended fruit and veg can be quite thick and therefore not easy to drink without water, milk or fresh juice. Read my Vitamix blender 5200 review for more information.
A word of caution before you start, wash your fruit and vegetables well before juicing and blending. Also make only as much juice as you will drink right away. Because the juice is not pasteurized or preserved, it is at risk of forming bacteria, which can make you sick. The point of a juicer is to drink the juice fresh, so make one serving size at a time and enjoy.
Juicing can be a great addition to your healthy diet. Give your body the valuable fiber and nutritional value that juicing and blending can provide today! Read my reviews of the Breville BJE200XL and 800JEXL for more information.
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