We take water for granted. It flows freely from our taps, there are caseloads of it at the grocery store. Our bodies consist mainly of water. We could not live without it! Have you ever wondered about the benefits of water? Maybe you should give this awesome liquid another look.
Put aside the fact that we cannot live without H2O, let’s consider the weigh-loss benefits of water. First of all, being properly hydrated helps the body’s organs to preform at their best. Water helps to flush waste and toxins from your body. If you are constipated, try drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day, everyday. Keeping your bowels moving regularly keeps your tummy nice and flat.
Drinking a glass of water before eating will help you to consume less calories and improve your chances of weight loss. If you drink water before, during and after your meal will also speed up your digestion and speed weight loss.
If you drank ice cold water, instead of sweetened soda, juice, alcohol, coffee with sugar and cream and all the other calorie and sugar laden beverages, you would consume 100’s less calories per day. Drinking ice water was proven in a study to elevate your metabolism. Substituting water for all sugary drinks would absolutely help you lose weight in the long run!
How much water do you need to drink per day? According to the Mayo Clinic website, adequate water intake for a man per day is roughly 3 liters (about 13 cups) and for women, 2.2 liters (about 9 cups). To make it easier to consume your water intake, have an easy to carry travel cup with you at all times. I drink a full 600ml shaker cup of water in the morning before I leave for work. As soon as I get to work, I fill my travel mug with water and try to fill it at least 2 times before I have a clear green tea in the afternoon. At night I have another shaker cup of water and that’s my 8-10 cups of water per day.
The more water you drink every day, the easier it will become to forget about all those high calorie drinks. Those empty calories will be a thing of the past and your waistline will get smaller too!